Thursday, February 27, 2014

#29 My Career

What do you want to be when you grow up?

More specifically what do you want to be doing when you are 30 years old?  I wouldn't guess that anyone wants to be working at Taco Bell when they are 30 unless they are a manager or an owner.

Write about your main career goal.  Write about what you are doing now and what you will be doing in the future to be able to have that particular career.  Include at least 2 pictures related to your career and at least 1 link to a related website.

This blog post must be at least 2 paragraphs and at least 100 words.  Title the post "#29 My Career."

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

#28 Bucket List

bucket list is a list of things that you want to do/accomplish before you die.  There is a 2007 movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman called The Bucket List about 2 terminally ill men attempting to complete all the items on their bucket lists.

For today's assignment, you are to come up with 5 things that you want to accomplish during your time here on earth.  Do not include things that you have already done.  Graduating college and having children are not on my bucket list, because I have already done those things.  List the things from 1-5 including at least 1 sentence describing why you want to do/accomplish each thing.

If you click on the link above, it will take you to a website dedicated to people and their bucket lists.  Check out that site to help you come up with ideas for your list.

Minimum requirements

this is a blog assignment
numbered list of 5 things/goals/etc. that you haven't done yet.
at least 1 sentence describing why each thing was chosen

1. run a half marathon in under 2 hours-  I will never be an elite level distance runner, but I consider running 13.1 miles in less than 2 hours an accomplishment. (update-I did this last year 159:47)

2.  run a marathon in under 4 hours-  I have yet to attempt this goal.  I will hopefully run my first marathon next year.

3.  complete a triathlon-  I know I can swim, bike and run.  The question is "can I find enough time to properly train for a triathlon?".  One day I will.

4.  travel overseas-  I have a passport, but have never used it (except for Mexico).  One day I would like to travel to many countries.

5.  Donate platelets over 200 times-  I used to donate blood, but I was told for my blood type (A+) it was better to donate platelets.  Platelets can be donated every 2 weeks.  The problem for me is that the process takes about 3 hours and with 2 little ones at home I can't get away on the weekends for that amount of time.  Right now, I donate during the summer and vacation times since 2010.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

#27 Stranded part 2

Yesterday you were given the choice of 3 things to have with you on a deserted island.

In today's scenario, you are given $205 dollars to purchase whatever items you think you are going to need to survive at least 6 months on a deserted island.  There is no cell service, satellite reception, or radio reception.  Any money spent on trying to get off of the island will be wasted.

List the items that you will purchase, the prices and link the prices to the website you will purchase them from.  You do not have to factor in taxes or shipping.  The listed price is what you pay.  You can not spend more than $205.

After your list of items and prices with links, you are going to describe in a paragraph why you chose those items.


Strike Master K7 Magnesium/Flint Fire Starter (large)  $6.25
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups $29.90  
Tent  $141.92
Machete $26.65

Total $ 204.72

Monday, February 24, 2014

#26 Stranded

In this hypothetical situation you are stranded on a very remote deserted island.  What 3 (school appropriate) things would you want to have with you?  These things can not be people (pets are OK).  Keep in mind that you have unlimited money for these 3 things.  Boats/airplanes are not an option.  There is no internet, cell service, or electricity on this island.  Do not think in terms of "escaping" the island.  Think about what things would you need to "survive" on the island.

Include a paragraph (at least 3 sentences) description  of each choice and why.  Include a picture with each paragraph.  Links are not required, but include them if they relate to your choice(s).

Minimum requirements:

This is a blog assignment.  Title it "#26 Stranded."
3 different things (school appropriate).
1 paragraph (at least 3 complete sentences)
and 1 picture for each choice 
for a total of 3 paragraphs and 3 pictures

Thursday, February 13, 2014

#25 More lying and buckets (You can do it!)

During the lunch hour at school, a group of five boys from Miss Jones home room visited a nearby lunch wagon. one of the five boys took a candy bar without paying for it. When the boys were questioned by the school principal, they made the following statements in respective order: 
1. Rex: "Neither Earl nor I did it." 

2. Jack: "It was Rex or Abe." 

3. Abe: "Both Rex and Jack are lying." 

4. Dan: "Abe's statement is not true; one of them is lying and the other is speaking the truth." 

5. Earl: "What Dan said is wrong." 

When Miss Jones was consulted, she said, "Three of these boys are always truthful, but everything that two of them say will be a lie." Assuming that Miss Jones is correct, can you determine who took the candy bar?

You have two buckets one holds 3 gallons and the other holds 5 gallons.  How could you get exactly 4 gallons?

You have two buckets one holds 4 gallons and the other holds 7 gallons.  How could you get exactly 5 gallons?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

#24 Bucket Head Games

At a rural cabin, you get water from a well using only a 4-gallon bucket and a 9-gallon bucket. In trips from the well to the cabin, what whole number gallon amounts of water could you bring back to the cabin?

There are no markings on the buckets.  And, you can’t do any estimating or add any markings!

The easy ones are
4- fill up the 4-gallon bucket
9- fill up the 9-gallon bucket
13- fill up both buckets
Extra Hint- all gallon amounts 1-13 are possible.  For the credit, explain how to come up with the gallon amounts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12.
Extra Extra Hint- 5- Fill up the 9 gallon bucket.  Pour 4 gallons into the 4 gallon bucket leaving 5 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket.
Give an explanation for how to come up with each gallon amount.
The correct answer will include all possible gallon amounts and the correct process for obtaining each gallon amount.
Write out the answers including the correct processes and email me the answers with procedures. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

#23 My Top Five __________

This is a blog post.  Title it "#23 My Top Five Yourcategory"

You get to choose the category (sports, video games, candy, soda, movies, television shows, foods, etc.)

List your choices from 5 to 1.  Write at least 3 sentences about why you made each choice.

Include at least 1 picture for each choice.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

#22 Brain Power

Read through the following problem and logically come up with the correct answer.  You may collaborate with classmates.  When you figure out the answer, post it on your blog titled "#22 Brain Power."  Include the logical steps that led you to your answer.
There are three boxes, exactly one of which contains a prize.

Each box has a label with a visible statement on it, and exactly one of the statements is true.

Gold box label: "The prize is in this box."
Lead box label: "The prize is not in the gold box."
Silver box label: "The prize is not in this box.”

Which box contains the prize?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

#21 Conversation

For today's blog post you are going to choose one living person that you would like to sit down and have a conversation with.  You can choose anyone (celebrity, singer, sports star, the president, etc.) provided that he/she is a real living person.

After you have chosen the person you will write
at least 2 paragraphs
at least 100 words
about why you chose that person
and specifically what you would talk about.
include at least one picture of the person.

Title the blog post "#21 My Conversation with thenameoftheperson."

Monday, February 3, 2014

#20 Perseverance

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.  Thomas A. Edison

Have you ever heard of the noun perseverance or the verb persevere (to persevere)?

If you were offered $50 right now or $100 in one year, which would you choose? Why?

Successful people persevere when attempting to accomplish something.  Graduating college, running a marathon, earning money to buy a car, losing weight, these are examples of accomplishments that require perseverance.  These things take work and dedication to accomplish.  Once you decide on a long term goal there are endless instant gratification activities that can derail your plans.  Should I study for the test or play Xbox?  Should I go to the gym and workout or lounge on the couch and watch television?  Should I save my money or spend it on random junk?

Most if not all significant accomplishments in life involve some form of delayed gratification.  Built in to the process of succeeding is hard work and failure.  As a sophomore in high school Michael Jordan was left off of the varsity basketball team (he played on the junior varsity team) before he became the greatest basketball player on the planet.  That let down fueled his drive and desire to succeed.

Winners never quit and quitters never win.
Not everyone is going to be a professional athlete (actor, singer, model, etc.), but whatever your chosen goal you must persevere to accomplish it.  Once you realize that meaningful things often times require hard work and dedication, you will begin to prioritize your life around your goals.

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail."  
Benjamin Franklin

Some of you might already know what you want to do with your life.  Others of you might still be trying to figure it out.  The first steps to success are choosing a goal and creating a plan.  Do you have any long term goals for your life?  What are your goals and have you created plans to achieve these goals.  Think about what you want to accomplish in your time here on earth.  Find at least one thing that you want to accomplish and list the steps to achieving that goal.

This is a blog assignment.  Title it "#20 Perseverance."